Tuesday, July 10, 2007

A Special Picture Today!

Here's a gorgeous pic of grandson, Owen, to look at instead of a new card. Doesn't he look like he's either just got caught doing something naughty, or, he's filled his drawers. I can't decide. The little guy in the pic today is the one for whom so many of you left birthday comments last month. I've printed them out and will put them in his scrapbook. He had birthday wishes from so many places around the world, it was wonderful.
I'm sorry I haven't posted any new cards for a couple of days, but I've been busy getting ready for my visit to Toronto.
I have been tagged by Renee, to share seven heretofore unknown facts about myself. Coming up with seven is going to be a challenge, I'm not that interesting.

1. I didn't know I was adopted until I was 35 years old, but all of my relatives did.
2. I am lactose intolerant, not severely and only within the last few years.
3. I will be having bi-lateral knee replacement (both knees) most likely in late August.
4. I married a man five years younger than me. He was also my boss at one time.
5. I returned to school in 1995 and passed with a 98.4% grade average.
6. I have lived in three provinces in the last five years.
7. Writing this blog has become a huge source of delight for me and gives me something to do every day.

That's it for this post, folks. I leave on Thursday for Toronto and have still some errands to get done. I hope to have time to stamp some cards tomorrow as I'm suffering withdrawal symptons from lack of stamping.


Pattyjo said...

Happy Birthday! What a cutie! Awhhh...I think I'm in love with that cute little guy!

shuggy said...

he is so cute!!

have fun in toronto!!