After that I came into the computer room and finished my first week's lesson from Big Picture Scrapbooking. It's a digital class on the use of brushes in Photoshop. It's good for Photoshop CS3 (the program I use) and Photoshop Elements. Here is the finished page. It is 6 x 6 and I may have it professionally printed and then framed for Phil and Kristyn for a wedding gift. What do you think?

Now it's time to kick back and relax a little. I'm going to turn on the fireplace and put on a movie. I'll be back with more stuff tomorrow. See you then and thanks for stopping by.
I think they will love it!!!
I think it's great. The colors are really pretty.
OMG Barb, This is ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS!!l'm sure Phil and Krisistyn will love it.
Gorgeous! I would professionally print and frame it. Lovely job!!
It would make a GREAT gift! It's beautiful!
This is beautiful! I love the watermark background on the paper! What a great gift idea!
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