Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I'll miss this view!

My craft space is all tidied up and waiting for the packers to come in on Thursday. Naturally, I feel totally inspired to create now, but, alas, cannot. So, this will be my last post until sometime around July 30th or so. We don't get possession of our condo until July 25th, furniture most likely July 26th, but that has not been confirmed as yet by our mover. Then, the computers will be the first thing hooked up again because both John and I are fanatical about our computers. They are a life-line, literally.

In the meantime, I will leave you with this delightful video I took the other morning. If you hear heaving breathing, it's because I'm hunched down trying to get a good shot from underneath the hanging stained glass in our front window while, at the same time, trying to keep Hank, our cat, from getting into the shot.

This is such a beautiful place to live and we have such a lovely property with trees all around and horses frolicking in the backyard. Not our horses, but our neighbours. The gentle breezes in the summer make air conditioning unnecessary. But then, there's always the winter. I will not miss the -40 degree C. or the snow that piles up as high as the house on occasion. When the sun shines in the winter, the sky is a phenominal blue and clear, but that's when it's coldest. And the one thing that Guelph has that Thunder Bay does not is FAMILY! That makes saying good-bye to the friends we have made here a little easier.

See you in a couple of weeks.


mudmaven said...

Hi Barb! Good luck with the move - Hank is just like my Maude - wants to be in the middle of everything. He sure has a wonderful purr! Thanks for sharing. ~chris

Erin said...

What a cute video! Stephen and Ethan watched it with me and loved it too. Ethan said, "Where's kitty?" and Stephen said, "That's deers Ethie" haha.

ellie said...

What a lovely video. Those deer are so pretty. It's kinda funny, I think I could see Hank in the window watching them too! Thanks for sharing and give Hank a little scratch for me.

Alex said...

Awesome video Barb!! Good luck with the move, I hope it all goes smoothly!! Will see ya back here soon! *STAMPIN HUGS* Alex

Shannon McGann said...

I hope the move goes well. This is a beautiful yard that you're saying good-bye too, but nothing is better than living close to family! I look forward to seeing photos from the new condo!