I've been tagged Today I was tagged by the talented
Tammy to take part in a fun little blog tag. Here is the instructions: 1. Go to your Picture Folder on your computer or wherever you store your pictures. 2. Go to the 6th Folder, then pick the 6th picture in that folder. 3. Post that picture on your blog and the story that goes along with the picture. 4. Tag 6 other people that you know or don’t know to do the same thing and leave a comment on their blog or an e-mail letting them know you chose them. Well, I followed the instructions explicitly and guess what? The picture that comes up is actually an 18 second video I took about one week before we moved from Thunder Bay. You want to know why that's amazing. I'll tell you why! It's because Tammy, the gal who tagged me, is from Thunder Bay and still visits my blog on a regular basis. Of all the pictures I've taken of grandkids since we've been here in Guelph, and I'm tagged by someone I met in Thunder Bay and the picture is one taken in Thunder Bay. I just think it's like serendipity or some other weird and wonderful thing happening. Okay, enough.....on to the video.
There really isn't any story to go with this video. When I took it, I knew it would be one of the last times we would have deer in our front yard and DH loves that we lived in a spot where wildlife would wander in and out of our yard throughout the day. Even I miss it occasionally now that we're in a condo, but life moves on and you play the hand you're dealt.
Now it's time to tag six unsuspecting people. Here we go.
Suzi F.3.
Erin K.All right ladies, the ball's in your court. Show us your pictures.
Oh how fun! I've seen this excercise on some other blogs and it looked like fun - go visit my blog later to see my photo! Thanks Barb! ~chris
That is a fabulous coincidence! Love it Barb! Thanks for playing
Too cool Barb! I love your video! I too have tagged you for a blog award! You can see it here
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