Sweet Riley and the Domestice Goddess set by Hanna Stamps were waiting for me to come home from the hospital. This morning I actually wanted to play, so I sat down and created these two little gems.

I made the St. Patty's Day card first, and really like how it turned out. Then, as I was gazing at the image of Riley sitting in the chair, feet up, coffee in one hand and cupcake in the other, it made me think of how my daughter, Tiffany and my DH, John, are looking after me. It really is all about ME at the moment and I'm rather enjoying it, I must say.
Sitting at my craft table is even good exercise because I'm always moving my chair back and forth to reach here and there. It is on wheels, but also on carpet and it takes some muscle to move it around. Sometimes, if I'm feeling lazy and don't want to push, I just bend my knee a little more to go around an iris cart or whatever, so I'm actually exercising and not really thinking about it. YAY for stamping! Another useful purpose. Anyway, it's getting late, I'm starting to tire and have done my exercises twice today. John is a super coach. He sits right beside me and does my counting for me. The exercises are extensions, flexions, straight leg raises and such. I'm required to do 20 on each leg and, towards 14 or so it starts to get tough. But, John's there with the encouragement to get me through. He's amazing and I love him for being there all the way with me. Too soppy, I'm signing off now so I'll be back tomorrow most likely. I say most likely because sitting in this chair is challenging right now, but so worth it because you have all been there for me since day one and, once again, I want to express my appreciation for your prayers and thoughts. God Bless.
Welcome back! Hopefully that stamping therapy will help you progess in your recovery :) Love the Riley cards!
These are great, Barb! So great to see you back. You have a wonderful hubby there...but I am sure you already know that. ;0)
Keep on going with your exercice! It's the best way for recovery! You are doing so good! :) Nice cards by the way! :)
Way cute Barb - love these!! *STAMPIN HUGS* Alex
Very cute cards Barb. Congrats on being so mobile so quickly. We're all very proud of you! The comment from Akicage generates a problem when clicked on my computer - looks like something trying to install software - just an fyi. ~chris
Welcome back to crafting, Barb.
So happy to hear you are getting some ink on your fingers, Barb. That's almost as good as physical therapy :) Those Rileys sure are adorable.
Rubber, paper and ink are the best Rx for a fast recovery. These cards are so CUTE! You haven't lost your touch!
Jennifer :)
You are amazing! Creating already and 2 really cute cards! Love the coloring. I am so glad you have loved ones there to take care of you. It really does make all the difference. xoxo
I tagged you, check out my blog for details!!
Great cards using Riley! I'm glad to hear you are moving around.
Love your cards Barb..l also placed an order for these cute stamps..Hanna is just waiting for her swiss dots to come in and that should be any day and then l get to play too.
Remamber each day will get a little better..Look for you tomorrow have a great night.
I knew you were up and about when I say your comment on my blog thanks for stopping by. It is great to see you satamping again.
Hi Barb! So glad you're home!
What great Riley cards...isn't he the greatest...always a ray of sunshine :)
Welcome back!
Wow, this little moose does everything. I love him! Joan, Edmonton
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